- Eligibility In order to be admitted as a member of the Society, a
person: -
- Must be of regular commissioned (permanent or short service) officer
serving or retired from tri-services of Indian Defence Forces. Widows of
such serving and retired officers from tri-services will also be eligible.
- Must not have been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude.
- Must not be an insolvent and of unsound mind.
- Must have deposited the admission fee and annual subscription fee and
must not be in arrears of payment of such fee as on the date of annual general
meeting for continuing as a member.
- Should subscribe to the aims and objects of the Society.
- Types / Categories of Members- The Society shall consist of four
different categories of members as under: -
- Founder Members- All members who have been admitted as
founder members at the time of registration of the Society and form part of
Governing Body will be ex-officio founder members. The number of founder
members shall not exceed 20. The founder members shall have the privilege of
being members of the collegium without election. List of founder members is
given at Para 27 of Byelaws.
- Life Members/Permanent Members- Serving and Retired/
Permanent/ Regular Commissioned Officers of the Defence Services, who draw
defence service pension, can be admitted as life members on payment of the
prescribed fees and such person shall continue to be the member of the
for his/her life.
Note:- Permanent membership granted to Permanent
Commissioned Officers
will be withdrawn in case they for any reason become ineligible for grant of
pension. Such officers may opt for Associate membership and shall be charged
membership fee accordingly.
- Ordinary Member. The ordinary types of membership shall
consist of
institutional Members/Associate Members/Temporary Members/ Casual
Members. The Society shall have members who shall continue to enjoy their
membership only so long as they are not in arrears of payment of their
subscription fee. An ordinary member may be admitted as a tenure member,
for a period of two to five year(s), as the case may be, and he will cease
to be a
member of the Society on completion of his tenure, unless it is renewed by
Governing body for another tenure. The various type of ordinary members are
- Institutional Members- All members of Indian Army, Air
and Naval Officers’ Messes posted in Chandimandir, Panchkula and
Chandigarh will be members of the Institute for the duration of their
posting. The Permanent Members of DSOI who are also Institutional
Members by virtue of they being posted in the Chandigarh Tricity under
the territorial jurisdiction of Western Command, will not be charged the
Annual/monthly subscription of DSOI as payable by Permanent
Members, during the period such member is Institutional Member; instead
monthly subscription of Institutional Member will be payable. In such
cases, the Permanent Membership Smart Cards (Self, spouse and
Dependents) of DSOI Chandigarh will be withdrawn and the Permanent
Membership of the individual will remain suspended till such time he/she
is an Institutional Member. The Institutional Members who are
desirous of getting DSOI Smart Card i.e. ‘Institutional Membership’ card
would require to put in a request for the same to the Secretary DSOI
all details requested on the prescribed form. The charges for the cards
would be payable. It would be the Institutional Member’s responsibility
inform the Secretary DSOI in writing on his posting out /retirement. The
Institutional Membership Card(s) would be handed over prior to obtaining
‘No Dues Certificate’ from Secretary, DSOI. Permanent Members of
DSOI, who have surrendered their DSOI Smart cards and opted for
Institutional Membership Card(s), would be required to deposit their
Institutional Membership Card(s), on posting out / retirement, for
reactivation of their DSOI Membership Card(s). The Permanent
Membership of the said member will be restored automatically on
relinquishing of Institutional Membership.
- Associate Members- Commissioned Officers not drawing
pension from Ministry of Defence are eligible for Associate Membership.
The spouse of a Defence Services Officer who was a
permanent/Honorary/Associate member will be eligible for an Associate
Membership after the death of the officer. In such cases, no additional
Associate Membership fee would be charged from the widow/widower.
Spouses of Defence Services Officers who were not members of DSOI
Panchkula at the time of their demise will also be considered for
Associate Membership on case-to-case basis. Full charges as applicable
will be charged. Spouse of Defence Service Officer, unless he or she
is/was himself/herself the defence service officer, who remarries a
who is ineligible to become member, will also be ineligible for grant of
kind of membership.
- Temporary Members- Any commissioned officer Serving /
Retired who is not eligible for Permanent Membership and for Associate
Membership can be considered for Temporary Membership on case-tocase
basis subject to approval of the President, Governing Body. In
addition, desirous officers serving/retired who have applied for
permanent/associate membership and which is under consideration
would be eligible for grant of Temporary Membership. Temporary
Membership will be granted only for a period of six months and shall be
extended for an additional six months subject to approval by competent
authority. However, officers attached with Station Headquarters
Chandimandir/Chandigarh/ local units on account of study leave/medical
grounds, may be considered for additional extension on case-to-case
- Casual Members- Any Service Officer, serving or
retired, in
possession on his proof of Identity, may be allowed to use the
facilities as
a casual member on as required basis. The officer and his family will be
charged Rs 100/- per day, per member or as notified by Governing Body
from time to time. Casual members would need to buy temporary casual
card valid for the day and shall abide by Rules and Bye Laws of DSOI
- Honorary Member- Governing Body may admit individuals
distinguished talent and merit or whose association is deemed to be
beneficial to
the Society or who has rendered services of outstanding merit to the
Society or
who are distinguished citizens of India or any other country as Honorary
of the Institute, after obtaining consent of the individual, without
payment of any
membership or subscription fees. The Honorary members shall be entitled
attend the meetings and contribute to the deliberations but shall have
no right to
vote. The Executive Committee will offer Honorary Membership of the
to the erstwhile Patrons, and President of Governing Body. Also,
members (after completing five years of membership) who have attained
the age
of 90 years will be granted honorary membership on receipt of their
request in
writing. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the
subject to such restrictions and regulations as may be prescribed in the
and Bye-Laws of the Institute. Members granted Honorary membership will
be required to pay Membership Fee, Security Deposit and Annual
They will be entitled all rights and privileges of Permanent Members
except the
Right to Vote or contest Institute Elections.
Membership Fee & Annual Subscription.
Admission Procedure - Apply Now
- All those eligible for membership under Rules can become members of the
Society/Institute subject to the approval of the President Governing Body/Chairman
Committee. Applicants will pay Membership Fee, Security (Refundable) & Subscriptions
applicable along with the application form through local/multicity cheque/draft or
Transfer of Funds to DSOI Panchkula Bank Account. On approval of the membership, the
individual will be intimated to collect his membership card at the earliest. In
case, any
is rejected, the cheque/draft/fee paid will be returned to the officer.
- Serving officer’s application form for permanent membership will be countersigned by
their Commanding Officers /Heads of Department, as the case may be. All other
will have to be proposed and seconded by active members of the Institute. An active
member can
propose and second three individuals during a calendar year. Applications of serving
will be approved by the Vice President (Operations) and that of retired officers
will be
by the President, Governing Body.
- Officers under disciplinary cases involving moral turpitude and financial
fraud etc or whose services are terminated for such disciplinary reasons, will not
for membership.
- All officers applying for membership will render a certificate to the effect that
is no
disciplinary/ criminal case involving moral turpitude and financial irregularities
of fraud
pending against him or he has not been previously convicted by Court Martial or
for such offences or services administratively terminated on that account. If at any
stage it
is found that the certificate rendered is incorrect the officer’s membership will be
- The admission of a person as a member of the Society/Institute shall be decided
on procedure laid down by Governing Body from time to time. The Governing Body will
on maximum number of members in each category and its decision on admission of new
members will be final.
- An individual willing to be a member of the Society/ Institute has to submit an
application on prescribed form, and along with supporting documents to the Secretary
filled in and signed.
- The Secretary shall examine the application and place the same before the Governing
Body for a decision. The Governing Body may accept or reject the application and the
of the Governing Body in this regard shall be final. It shall not be bound to assign
for its decision.
- The approval of the Governing Body shall be intimated to the member, his name shall
be entered in the register of members, to be maintained in such manner & form as
under the Haryana Societies Registration and Regulation Rules, 2012 and he/she will
issued an Identity Card of the Society/Institute.