A Vibrant Tri Services Institute to provide sublime environment to officers and
families of the Defence Services.
Centrally located next to AWHO Vikram Vihar, the institute was inaugurated on 15 Oct
2021 in commemoration of
50 years of victory in 1971 War and honours Col Hoshiar Singh,PVC.
DSOI Panchkula Members have following benefits :-
- Provides wholesome entertainment in the form
of regular and periodic cultural and social events.
- Modern Theme based Party Venues of varying
capacity available for booking.
- Two fully furnished Guest Rooms with modern
amenities available for booking.
- Reciprocal arrangements with 14 Officers
Institutes across the country.
- Avail all facilities of KOM&I, DCSC on DSOI
Membership Card.
- Booking of Party Halls, Banquet of KOM&I and
access to central functions of KOM&I.
- Reciprocal arrangements with DSOI Chandigarh
at no additional cost.
Memership open to all serving and retired officers on
first come first served basis.